
HireAbend #1 with Jo Diercks on Quality of Hire

Dear visitior!

What is a „HireAbend“? Well, I assume you don’t know unless you have been to the first one (or heard about it) – like me who joined last week on Wednesday evening March 20, the HR recruiting crowd at Ruby Carl Workspaces in Düsseldorf.

Dimitri Knysch from video recruiting company Cammio and HR journalist & moderator Cliff Lehnen invited us to this new HR event to learn and discuss with special guest Jo Diercks from Cyquest about the „Quality of Hire“: An important key performance indicator (KPI) in recruiting (or the most important according to Jo).

Around 40 people came together in this lovely location from companies like Indeed, Thalia, Rheinische Post, talentsconnect, Advance Mobility Experts, and many others. I wanted to write a review about it, but hadn’t had the time yet – and since there is already a very nice one online by Tim Stakenborg for F.A.Z.’s Personalwirtschaft, I will spend my time for some other task regarding HR, People Analytics, AI, or Digital Assessment.

Special thanks to Dominik Rühl, Tim Verhoeven, Christian Thun, Dimitri, Cliff, of course Jo, and some others for their input and our exiting talks before and after the event. And a big thank to the organizers for hosting it, drinks and food. Next topic for the HireAbend is already in the pipeline in June 2024: Azubi-Recruiting.

I will put some links below in a block for more information around this first and the upcoming second edition.

To sum up, HireAbend no.1 was a great evening for me, and I suppose for all participants: 3.5 hours flew by in a flash! I hope you enjoy to learn, meeting new people and talking to business friends as much as I, and I wish you a great next event – whatever it might be!

Until soon,

Stefan Klemens


(a) Review by Tim Stakenborg: https://www.personalwirtschaft.de/news/recruiting/bewerberauswahl-das-wichtigste-ist-die-passgenauigkeit-172855

(b) Companies & persons involved: Cammio | Video Recruitment Experts, CYQUEST GmbH, HR podcast by Cliff Lehnen & Marcel Rütten: https://clever-und-smart-podcast.com

Note: Marcel was this time not involved in the event, but watch out for Schicht im Schacht and his book „Recruiting Analytics“ with Tim Verhoeven (a review of it will follow shortly for Schorberg Analytics, so stay tuned and connect with me for information if you like.

(c) More on the next HireAbend (Azubi-Recruiting) here: https://cammio.com/de/events/hire-abend-juni/ (Link not available anymore)

(d) For Azubi-Recruiting I recommend strongly what u-form Testsysteme is offering: Contact Felicia Ullrich for more and check out https://www.testsysteme.de/

(e) Those interested in Jo Diercks talk: Some information can be found here in his blog article: https://blog.recrutainment.de/2024/02/19/eventtipp-cammio-laedt-zum-hireabend-am-20-03-in-duesseldorf-sprechen-wollen-wir-ueber-quality-of-hire/

(f) And for information about Digital Assessment or People Analytics you might take a look find more websites on the website you are attending now https://www.digitalassessment.de and https://www.schorberg.de

PS: Want to exchange ideas on Human Resources, people analytics, digital assessment, or artificial intelligence in HRM? Then network, write a message and/or make an appointment for an online meeting. Or the classic way: phone call.

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